Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I Like to Eat Stuff (that I'm not supposed to)

I am driving Mommy and Daddy nuts. My vet says I'm approaching the terrible twos. Mommy and Daddy would agree that I'm starting to get terrible, but they say they still love me! I like to hide out under the bed because Mommy and Daddy can't catch me under there. The kitchen table leaf is stored under the bed, and I love to just put my mouth on it and chew on the metal hardware. Then Mommy starts yelling at me to get out, but I don't want to. I especially love to eat Daddy's (and Mommy's) laptop lap desks. Wood is yummy. They just don't understand me! And yes, while I look cute in these pictures, I definitely got in trouble afterward :(

1 comment:

It's Roz! said...

Oh! That last pic is soooo cute!!!!